A lot of people ask me about relaxation techniques and how to perform them. Perhaps one of the most beneficial and easily accessible is meditation. However, many people I’ve spoken to find it hard to do and give up. Here, we explore why meditation is perceived as hard, but is actually one of the easiest and best ways to relax.
The Monkey Mind
The biggest hurdle people face when meditating is the constant interruption of thoughts. Whether it be what to make for tea, what time the kids need picking up, to random songs, our brains constantly work overtime. However, what many people don’t realise that these intrusive thoughts are intrinsic to starting your meditative practice!
The ‘monkey mind’ chatter is your brain’s normal way of organising your day, turning different parts of the brain on and off. When we first start to meditate it can be very difficult to clear the mind. The fact of the matter is, as long as you notice these thoughts appearing, you can already be meditating. Meditation is about being self aware, recognising intrusive thoughts when they happen, means you can put it aside and go back to meditating or concentrating on one thing.
How to Begin
The easiest way to begin meditating is through breathing exercises. It can be really tough to jump into visualisation meditations and not everyone can do it. I always teach my students that the best way to start meditating is through breathing in through the nose and out though the mouth.
When starting the breath you want to concentrate on how the air feel as it travels through your nose and into your lungs. As you breath out through your mouth, notice how the diaphragm relaxes and how the air feels as it leaves the body. If you notice your mind wandering, focus back on the breath. It may help you focus if you count your breaths. Start by doing this for 5 minutes for a few days, then increase to 10, then 20.
Guided Meditations
Another starting point is maybe accessing the hundreds of guided meditations there are online or using a meditation app on your phone, I often use these when I can’t sleep. You could also try just playing relaxing music, perhaps when having a bath, and try to take 10 deep breaths. We offer a meditation class on the last Tuesday of every month and personal sessions from just £5 per hour. Contact siobhan@shenzenholistics.co.uk for more details and booking.