Beauty’s Only Skin Deep

Beauty’s only skin deep – natural skincare benefits

I studied aromatherapy over five years ago and started making my own natural facecare after being asked to do a facial by a client.  I didn’t want to use expensive products full of different chemicals, that I couldn’t explain to my clients.

After lots of research and experimenting, I came up with a facial range aimed at three different skin types, blemish prone, normal/combination, and sensitive/dry/mature.

The fascinating thing is, how many different natural ingredients you can use, and how much better they are for many reasons.  Here’s a few:

  1. Natural products are better for the environment
    • There’s no production of nasty chemicals
    • These chemicals aren’t introduced to wildlife or local eco-systems
    • Not needing these ingredients to be manufactured, reduces the carbon footprint.
  2. Safer for the body
    • No negative health effects from synthetic ingredients
    • No chemicals seeping into the blood stream or cells
    • Naturally look and feel better due to not having these chemicals in your system
  3. Natural products don’t harm animals
    • They aren’t tested on animals, because they don’t need to be!
    • Synthesised chemicals are not released in to the eco system
    • Manufacture to create synthetics is not needed
  4. The nutrients in natural products are beneficial
    • Natural ingredients have vitamins and compounds that help the body to function at its optimal level
  5. They are easier on the skin
    • Natural ingredients less likely to irritate skin
    • There aren’t as many allergic reactions – and those that occur can be easily identified
    • Less likely to have flaky, dry or imbalanced skin due to the nutrients
  6. The effect is on a bigger scale
    • As well as being better for the environment and your body many natural skincare products are sustainable and fair trade.
  7. The effects are better and more noticeable
    • Because they help cells function at the optimum level the effects are longer lasting and more noticeable over time.
  8. Money saving
    • Because they work, you need less.  You need less, you buy less!
    • Many small batch producers will reuse and recycle packaging, saving money!

If that isn’t reason enough to change your routine to a natural one, I don’t know what is!  Luckily for you our range of natural skincare and our massage oils are all available to buy in our shop.