Proof of how massage treats the whole body
Massage is often seen as a luxury, to be booked as a treat, or for a special occasion, maybe to treat an injury. But, are you aware how many benefits there are to massage? Touch therapy can treat the whole body, resulting in a range of effects such as lowered blood pressure, decreased heart rate, improved circulation, pain relief and a sense of calm and well-being. Used for millennia across the globe, here’s why massage should be part of everyone’s health care regime:
Studies into the effects of massage show support for the psychological benefits of massage and showed an increased perception of recovery from illness. Muscle recovery and waste removal was increased after multiple massages. The effects are hard to quantify due to the subjective nature of testing.
So let’s break it down, here’s how massage helps the different body systems, in layman’s terms.
Massage & the skin: sensor receptors in the skin register touch and send signals to the brain to relax. When the nerve cells stimulate the brain to relax, endorphins are released making us feel calm and happy. Massaging the skin also helps the blood capillaries to dilate, increasing blood flow, helping at waste removal at the cellular level. It helps to keep elasticity of the skin by promoting optimum nutrient uptake and stimulates sebaceous glands, responsible for skin health. It also helps remove dead skin cells and breaks down scar tissue.
Massage & the circulatory system: Increases blood flow, promoting the exchange of nutrients and waste. It also aids the lymphatic flow, pushing white blood cells around the system and boosting the body’s immunity response. It also helps remove toxins which also helps boost the immune system.
Massage and the muscles: Massage warms up the muscle tissue, making them more pliable and more likely to relax. Helps to remove lactic acid build up from the muscles, aiding in recovery and pain reduction. Massage transversely stretches muscles, allowing scar tissue, adhesions and fascia to loosed and break down. This helps relieve tension, improves flexibility, reduces nerve compression and reduces pain.
Massage and your bones: A reduction in muscle tension and therefore tendons and ligament can help with skeletal realignment. It helps posture and mobility, promotes growth from increased nourishment and helps with injury recovery.
Massage and digestion: As we’ve already covered, massage helps with the removal of waste substances in the body. Because massage calms the nervous system it can therefore calm bowel problems. It can stimulate or calm peristaltic action, soothing a range of bowel conditions.
Massage and hormones: Being stressed increases hormone levels such as cortisol and vasopressin. Massage calms the nervous system which regulates hormone imbalance, thus reducing stress. Endorphins released during massage inhibit pain sensors and has a massive impact on improving mood and decreasing stress levels.
Massage and the respiratory system: Depending on the massage techniques being used, you can relax or stimulate the respiratory system. Vigorous movements help open the airways and loosen phlegm. Relaxing movements slow the breath and deepen it, lowering blood pressure and increasing oxygen levels. Deep tissue massage reduces strain and assists in respiration, ensuring a range of movement and proper expansion of the lungs, especially for those doing sports.
Massage and the nervous system: The nervous system consists of the brain, the spinal column and the nerves. The autonomic nervous system works without any control from us. As we’ve discussed when touch is registered, it sends messages to the brain, the nervous system slows down body activity such as reducing the heart rate, lowering blood pressure, decreasing perspiration whereas stress stimulates these things.
As you can see from the physiological evidence we’ve shown, massage is good for the body on all levels. Helps to create relaxation, which relaxes the body, which helps the body to run optimally, therefore making us feel good. This is why massage is known as a holistic therapy, it works on helping the mind, the body and the soul. From helping uptake vitamins, to reducing pain, there really is no reason to not have a regular massage!
Our Massage therapies start from £25 and include a full consultation.